Publication  › Gift Box › Wallpaper
Information related to AMSR and AMSR-E, such as press releases, meeting information, algorithm description documents, and digital archive of publications, are provided.

Gift Box


Polar Regions
This wallpaper image is "Variation of Sea Ice Extent in Polar Regions" observed by AMSR-E. Go to "Topics" to read/see more about the images.
* Wallpaper Installation Instructions

  1. Select a wallpaper that matches your display resolution. The appropriate wallpaper will appear in your browser.
  2. Right-click on the image and
  3. Select "Save as background" from the pop-up menu.
  1. Select a wallpaper that matches your display resolution. The appropriate wallpaper will appear in your browser.
  2. Click and hold somewhere on the image and select "Download Images to Disk" or "Save this image As..." from the context menu and select a location on your hard drive to save the file. Make sure you remember where you are saving the wallpaper.
  3. Click on the "Apple Menu" and go down to "Control Panels" and then to "Appearance." Click on the "Desktop" tab. Click the Button "Place Picture" and select the correct image you downloaded.

gift box