Global Change Observation Mission
1st Research Announcement

As the first step in a series of the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) research announcements (RAs), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announces the opportunity to conduct research activities directly related to retrieval algorithms for geophysical products, product validation, and data application of GCOM-W1. Participation in this RA is open to all categories of domestic and foreign organizations including educational institutions (except for students), industries, non-profit institutions and Japanese Government agencies.

  1. Outline of the RA

    To meet the mission objectives of GCOM-W1, which are to understand global environment variation and to improve its forecast accuracy, this RA invites research themes from both domestics and overseas. Research fields include research necessary to generate global, long-term, highly accurate and stable products utilizing and enhancing past achievements of ADEOS-II/AMSR, Aqua/AMSR-E and others, as well as research demonstrating climate variation and water cycle variation using those products.

    Research themes will be sought in the following three research areas based on the GCOM-W1 mission. Since the research period of this RA covers the pre-launch phase, this RA will emphasize the field of "Algorithm Development."
    - Algorithm Development
    - Validation
    - Application Research

    This RA covers a three-year research period beginning in early Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2008.

  2. Proposal

    RA details and forms for proposals can be downloaded from the following:

    - RA Details and Forms (Adobe PDF   /  MS Word )

    Proposers without access to the Web or who experience difficulty in using this site may contact GCOM RA office (see below) for assistance.

    The deadline for submitting proposals is April 14, 2008. ( <- postponed )

  3. Reference

    Mr. Hiroshi Sasaki (GCOM RA Office)
     Earth Observation Research Center (EORC)
     Tsukuba Space Center
     Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
     2-1-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8505, Japan
       Tel: +81-29-868-2729
       Fax: +81-29-868-2961

Copyright @2008 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Earth Observation Research Center
All rights reserved.