Data Products  › Product & Algorithm › Caveats of AMSR-E Sea Ice Concentration product (Version 2.0)
In order to utilize AMSR and AMSR-E data, product format and algorithm overviews, how to access products, and useful tools for display and analysis them are introduced.

Caveats for the standard products

Caveats of AMSR-E Sea Ice Concentration product (Version 2.0)

Algorithm development PI : Dr. Josefino C. Comiso (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

This document briefly describes some caveats for the AMSR-E Level 2 standard products (Version 2.0) of sea ice concentration.
Revision from Version 1.0
No changes were made for the retrieval algorithm. In accordance with the algorithm changes of sea surface temperature (SST), however, the version 2.0 product of sea ice concentration may slightly differ from that of version 1.0 since the Level 3 AMSR-E SST product is used as the ancillary information in retrieving the sea ice concentration.
Retrieval areas
No change.
Retrieval range and error
No change.
Algorithm consistency with AMSR (Version 1.0)
The algorithm is identical to that of AMSR (Version 1.0).