Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Earth Observation Research Center ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
AMSR-E is a modified version of AMSR that flew aboard ADEOS-II and is intended to fly on the EOS Aqua platform.
Major modifications include scaling down the antenna size (from 2.0m to 1.6m) due to the limitation of the fairing size, employing a deployable antenna system, and removing the 50GHz channels.
Since Aqua's orbit altitude of approximately 700km is lower than that of ADEOS-II, the spatial resolution remains nearly unaffected by this down sizing of the antenna.
Information on the oxygen absorption line complex in the 50- to 60-GHz band is provided by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU), one of the Aqua satellite mission instrument.
AMSR-E Overview AMSR-E Orbit |