Global Rainfall Map in Near-Real-Time (GSMaP_NRT) by JAXA Global Rainfall Watch System
First Edition in March 2018 Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
1. FAQ
Regarding the use of GSMaP data, we have gathered frequently asked questions in the list.
FAQ list
By category>About algorithm
By category>About data and format
By category>About using data
- Q1. I want to know about the type and period of available GSMaP product.
- Q2. I want to know the specific area of the text data (.csv).
- Q3. I want to know about the detail (parameter, data format, etc.) of the product.
- Q4. I want to know the unit of daily rainfall. /I want to know how to get the daily rainfall data.
- Q5. What does "01:00Z" mean?
- Q6. I want to know about the difference between the products (GSMaP_NOW, GSMaP_NRT, GSMaP_MVK, GSMaP_RNL, GSMaP_Gauge_NRT, GSMaP_Gauge, GSMaP_Gauge_RNL).
- Q7. I want to know what geodetic reference system used to GSMaP.
- Q8. I forgot my user ID, password, URL, so please re-issue it.
- Q9. I am using the correct user ID and password, but I can not access GSMaP.
- Q10. I want to know how to open the data with ArcGIS.
- Q11. I want to know how to open the data. /Can you recommend any software to view/visualize the data?
- Q12. I want to know how to read the data with GrADS, and how to use ".ctl" files.
- Q13. Is it possible to use JAXA Global Rainfall Image on my academic research report?
- Q14. Is it possible to use JAXA Global Rainfall Image for commercial use?
- Q15. I want to know the algorithm used for the GSMaP.
- Q16. I want to use GSMaP data on our web. What is the necessary procedure?
- Q17. What data is GSMaP_RNC?
- Q18. Can I get Data Format Description?
- Q19. I want to download only specific area.
- Q20. I want to know the difference from the GSMaP data provided from G-Portal.