Q6. I want to know about the difference between the products (GSMaP_NOW、GSMaP_NRT、GSMaP_MVK、GSMaP_RNL、GSMaP_Gauge_NRT、GSMaP_Gauge、GSMaP_Gauge_RNL、GSMaP_CLM).

A6. Please refer to the following list.

No. Data Name Data
Period Temporal
Coverage Input Data
Hourly Daily Monthly binary text NetCDF
1 GSMaP_NOW (v6) 0-hour 2019/6/27
to 2021/12/5
Available N/A N/A Global
Divided to 15 areas N/A Effective data within 30 minutes from observation
2 GSMaP_NOW (v8) 0-hour 2021/12/6
to present
Available N/A N/A Global
3 GSMaP_NRT (v5) N/A 2008/10/10
to 2014/9/2
Available Available N/A <old>
 Global, but divided to 54 areas
 Divided to 15 areas
N/A Effective data within 3 hours from observation
4 GSMaP_NRT (v6) 4-hours 2000/3/1
to present
Available Available Available
5 GSMaP_NRT (v7) 4-hours 2017/4/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas
6 GSMaP_NRT (v8) N/A 1998/1/1
to 2021/11/30
Available N/A N/A N/A
4-hours 2021/12/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas Global
7 GSMaP_MVK (v5) N/A 2000/3/1
to 2010/11/30
Available Available N/A N/A All valid data
8 GSMaP_MVK (v6) 3-days 2014/3/1
to present
Available Available Available
9 GSMaP_MVK (v7) 3-days 2014/3/1
to present
Available Available Available
10 GSMaP_MVK (v8) N/A 1998/1/1
to 2021/11/30
Available Available Available N/A Global
3-days 2021/12/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas
11 GSMaP_RNL N/A 2000/3/1
to 2014/2/28
Available Available Available N/A
12 GSMaP_Gauge_NOW (v6) 0-hour 2019/6/27
to 2021/12/5
Available N/A N/A Effective data within 30 minutes from observation
13 GSMaP_Gauge_NOW (v8) 0-hour 2021/12/6
to present
Available N/A N/A Global
14 GSMaP_Gauge_NRT(v6) 4-hours 2000/4/1
to present
Available Available Available N/A Effective data within 3 hours from observation
15 GSMaP_Gauge_NRT(v7) 4-hours 2017/4/1
to present
Available Available Available
16 GSMaP_Gauge_NRT(v8) N/A 1998/1/1
to 2021/11/30
Available N/A N/A N/A
4-hours 2021/12/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas
17 GSMaP_Gauge (v5) N/A 2000/3/2
to 2010/11/30
Available N/A N/A N/A All valid data
18 GSMaP_Gauge (v6) 3-days 2014/3/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas
19 GSMaP_Gauge (v7) 3-days 2014/3/1
to present
Available Available Available
20 GSMaP_Gauge (v8) N/A 1998/1/1
to 2021/11/30
Available Available Available N/A Global
3-days 2021/12/1
to present
Available Available Available Divided to 15 areas
21 GSMaP_Gauge_RNL N/A 2000/3/1
to 2014/2/28
Available Available Available N/A

GSMaP_CLM is here.

No. Data Name Update
Period Temporal resolution Coverage Input Data
3 days Pentad
10 days
1 Mean Precipitation (*5) 2000/4/1 to present Available Available Available Available Available Available Global
According to GSMaP_Gauge_NRT(v6)
2 Climate normals Every year 2000/4 to 2020/3 Available Available Available Available Available Available
3 Percentage of Rainy Days in a month N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Available
4 Extreme Rainfall Available Available Available Available N/A N/A
5 Drought Index
Every month (*6) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Available
(*1) 24 hours average from 00Z to 23Z of the day
(*2) 5 days
(*3) 7 days
(*4) Basically 10 days (Early and middle resolutions are 10days, Late resolution depends on the month; 8-11 days
(*5) daily : Every day
       3days : Every day
       pentad : Every 5 days
       weekly : Every day
       10 days : Every 10 days
(*6) April 2000 - March 2020 (Before March 2020)
       April 2000 - target month (After April 2020)

In detail, please confirm the "Data Format Description or Data Format Manual" of each product or "Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)".

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