Stage1- The movie shows a typhoon vertically looked down from space.
- The horizontal cross section of rain moves upward like "2.0 km -> 3.5 km -> 5.0 km -> 6.5 km"
- Red and blue color corresponds to heavy and weak rain, respectively.
- The movie shows a typhoon looked down while spirally moving downward counter clockwise.
- It shows 3D rain structure (white conglomerate) and 3D cloud.
- The movie shows a typhoon obliquely looked down from the upper side.
- Vertical cross section of the rain moves from South (backward) to North (forward).
- Red and blue color corresponds to heavy and weak rain, respectively.
Spatial scale
- Vertical scale of rain and cloud are expanded by 20 times to show its structure clearly.
- Since vertical scale of cloud is ambiguously estimated from the brightness temperature obtained by the VIRS infrared channel, vertical distribution of rain and cloud cannot be directly compared.
- Horizontal distribution of rain and cloud correctly reflect the real position.
Color scale
TRMM 3D movies require a Flash Player plug-in.
Please use the link below to download the required components from Macromedia Inc.