ADEOS-II Science Project

Image Library Feb. 10, 2003

East Asia, mouth of Yangtze River and coastal zone of East China Sea observed by GLI

bird's eye view of the East Asia region
» See Larger Image (1000×1022pixels:264KB)

zoom-up centering around the mouth of the Yangtze River
» See Larger Image (947×947pixels:264KB)
The upper image is a bird's eye view of the East Asia region. You can glance clouds cover and the turbid water over the East China Sea in the south and the sea ice distribution in the mouth of the Amur River in the north.

The lower image is the zoom-up centering around the mouth of the Yangtze River, and you can find a radial pattern of yellow water along the coastal zone where are the turdid water and the shallows piled up with earth and sand.
The data was obtained at Earth Observation Center in Hatoyama, Saitama pref. at 11:30 a.m. on February 6 (JST) during the GLI Second Check-out period. The data was taken by three optical observation channels with 1km-spatial resolution, 678nm (Channel 13), 545nm (Channel 8) and 460nm (Channel 5), for making RGB color composite images that are the closest to the images seen by our naked eyes.
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