ADEOS-II Science Project

Image Library Jan. 27, 2003

GLI First-light images: GLI capturing the Kyushu Island, southern Japan, and the East China Sea / a great winter cyclone

*View of Kyushu Island, southern Japan, and the East China Sea as observed by the Global Imager (GLI) aboard Midori-II (ADEOS-II) at 11:30 (JST) on January 25, 2003.
The color composite image was derived from the GLI spectral channels 28 (1640nm), 23 (825nm), and 22(660nm). The spatial ground resolution is 250m. Thick cloud systems stretching from the Asian continent to the East China Sea are visible in the image, with low altitude warm clouds appearing white and higher altitude ice clouds in blue. Kyushu Island and northern part of Taiwan can be identified at the chink of the clouds systems.
View of Kyushu Island, southern Japan, and the East China Sea
View of Kyushu Island, southern Japan, and the East China Sea

The GLI instrument has 36 spectral channels ranging from ultraviolet to infrared, designed for high accuracy observations of the atmosphere, ocean,land, and the cryospehre.

» See Larger Image (1000×691pixels:187KB)

*Global Imager (GLI) capturing a great winter cyclone, captured at 9:45 (JST) on January 25, 2003.
This color composite image was derived from the GLI spectral channels 13 (678nm), 8 (545nm), and 5 (460nm). It has a spatial resolution of 1 km. A great cloud system which has formed as a result of the cyclone at the eastern part of Hokkaido island can be identified in the image.

A great winter cyclone
a great winter cyclone
The cyclone developed off the Pacific coast of Tohoku area between January 23 and 24, during which it brought severe weather conditions to eastern and northern part of Japan. The GLI instrument observes and measures the types and structures of clouds using a large number of spectral channels.
ADEOS-II:For this beautiful planet

» See Larger Image (1000×1117pixels:356KB)

» See GLI channel specifications and primary targets (Table) (GLI Home Page)

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