ADEOS-II Science Project

Image Library Sep. 10, 2001

Seeking the interaction between clouds and aerosols

marine stratocumulus clouds

These figures show optical thickness (left) and effective radius (right) of the marine stratocumulus clouds appeared in a stable stratified airmass off the coast of California. In image of upper left, stripe-like structures of small cloud particle were found. They are thought about with change of cloud microphysics by smoke of ships navigating over the ocean surface, and continental natural-origin aerosols. It is pointed out that this event can change radiation budget of the Earth, and the possibility which gives a big influence to climate change. Cloud and aerosol observed with GLI are made use of assessment of climate change mechanism and climate forecast in the future.

(MODIS data acquired on June 18, 2000 were analyzed by GLI Level2 algorithm)

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