ADEOS-II Science Project

Image Library Aug. 24, 2001

Snow depth

Snow depth

Distribution of snow depth in the Northern Hemisphere derived from AMSR simulated data using 19 and 37GHz. The snow storage over land in winter will provide soil moisture in spring when the snow melts. Low frequency channels (6.9 and 10.7GHz) of the AMSR may improve the snow depth estimations for heavy snow storage regions. Novel geophysical parameters, including soil moisture, will also be retrieved using these low frequency channels.

Processed with the algorithm developed by Alfred T. C. Chang, NASA GSFC (AMSR/AMSR-E standard algorithm candidate for NASDA processing).

Understanding the Earth System

Objectives of ADEOS-II are to advance the observation technologies in NASDA and to acquire the earth observation data following ADEOS "Midori" launched in 1996. These data will be used to study the global climate changes and contribute to making inquiries into the environmental changes.
For these purposes, ADEOS-II carries two core sensors, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) and the Global Imager (GLI) developed by NASDA, and other three sensors provided by NASA/JPL, CNES and the Ministry of Environment (MOE).

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